
TEL:050-5532-3428 English


Pre-MBA/GradSchool 英語集中コース

Pre-MBA Intensive English Course

Speaking and Listening

  • Total immersion in advanced English.
  • A personal study program designed specifically according to each participant’s individual needs, in consultation with the course teacher.
  • Practical business-related English conversation.
  • Student will be trained to give presentations.
  • Role playing for practical business situations will be provided

Editing and Feedback

  • In every session, the consultant will edit and revise a document provided by the client. Comments on how the document can be improved will also be provided.
  • Any type of content will be acceptable. If the client does not have any materials ready to submit, the consultant can provide a writing assignment.
  • Corrections will go beyond grammatical, to also include improvements in structure, wordiness, and lack of clarity.
  • Consultant and student will review strategies related to research, self-editing, organization, persuasiveness, etc.
  • Specific questions of the client will also be answered. Interactive writing exercises will also be introduced.
  • Additional strategy sessions may be requested by the student’s

Schedule and Fee:

  • The dates and times of the meetings will be determined based on the student’s availability.
  • Students purchase hours on a block basis as follows:


1 hours: ¥12,500
2 hours: ¥24,000
4 hours: ¥30,000
6 hours: ¥55,000
Each additional hour: ¥8,500


Jeff Roah





東京都港区北青山一丁目4番1号 ランジェ青山401


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